Workers Installing Engines on Ford Model T Assembly Line at Highland Park Plant, 1913
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One worker at Ford's Highland Park Plant connects a Model T driveshaft to its transmission, while another lowers an engine onto the chassis using a chain hoist. This 1913 assembly line was relatively crude -- workers pushed or pulled vehicles to each station. The next year, Ford would install chain-driven, moving assembly lines to improve efficiency and increase productivity.
One worker at Ford's Highland Park Plant connects a Model T driveshaft to its transmission, while another lowers an engine onto the chassis using a chain hoist. This 1913 assembly line was relatively crude -- workers pushed or pulled vehicles to each station. The next year, Ford would install chain-driven, moving assembly lines to improve efficiency and increase productivity.
Photographic print
Subject Date
Collection Title
On Exhibit
By Request in the Benson Ford Research Center
Object ID
From the Collections of The Henry Ford. Gift of Ford Motor Company.
Paper (Fiber product)
Gelatin silver process
Black-and-white (Colors)
Height: 8 in
Width: 10 in