Henry Ford, Clara Ford, and Henry Ford II with 1896 Ford Quadricycle in Greenfield Village, May 1946


This photograph commemorates the 50th anniversary of Henry Ford's first automobile, the Quadricycle, in 1946. Posed in his historical outdoor museum -- Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan -- Henry and his wife Clara sit in the vehicle. They are joined by their grandson Henry Ford II, President of Ford Motor Company.

This photograph commemorates the 50th anniversary of Henry Ford's first automobile, the Quadricycle, in 1946. Posed in his historical outdoor museum -- Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan -- Henry and his wife Clara sit in the vehicle. They are joined by their grandson Henry Ford II, President of Ford Motor Company.


Paper (Fiber product)


Gelatin silver process


Black-and-white (Colors)


Height: 8.25 in

Width: 10 in

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