Armington & Sims Steam Engine Used with Edison Jumbo Dynamo, 1882


Edison's successful lighting experiments at his Menlo Park laboratory in 1879 bore fruit in the practical system he put into operation in New York City, at the center of which was the Pearl Street power station. This is the sole surviving engine-generator from that installation, and it was the first to go online providing power to customers on September 4th, 1882.

Edison's successful lighting experiments at his Menlo Park laboratory in 1879 bore fruit in the practical system he put into operation in New York City, at the center of which was the Pearl Street power station. This is the sole surviving engine-generator from that installation, and it was the first to go online providing power to customers on September 4th, 1882.


Steel (Alloy)
Cast iron


Length: 13 in  (Stroke)

Diameter: 14.5 in  (Bore)

Height: 72 in

Width: 72 in

Length: 144 in

Horsepower: 150 hp  (111.85 kW)

Speed: 350 rpm  (5.83 Hz)

Edison Jumbo Dynamo, 1882

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