Ford Motor Company Organization Chart, November 1, 1919


Organizational charts and corporate hierarchies weren't strictly followed or enforced in Ford Motor Company's first decades -- largely because of founder Henry Ford's indifference to them. But this chart, issued in November 1919, illustrates a formal chain of command from president Edsel Ford down through company officers, superintendents, managers, and department heads.

Organizational charts and corporate hierarchies weren't strictly followed or enforced in Ford Motor Company's first decades -- largely because of founder Henry Ford's indifference to them. But this chart, issued in November 1919, illustrates a formal chain of command from president Edsel Ford down through company officers, superintendents, managers, and department heads.


Paper (Fiber product)


Printing (Process)


Black-and-white (Colors)


Height: 8.5 in  (folded)

Width: 5 in  (folded)

Height: 10 in  (unfolded)

Width: 8.5 in  (unfolded)

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