Burroughs Corporation B21 and B22 Computer Workstations, 1982
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Burroughs Micro-Computer Systems could be networked in clusters, allowing multistation access and real-time editing of shared databases. The company called this "distributed intelligence architecture." The B20 series was modular, with options for hardware, software, expansion, and storage. The psychological and physiological needs of the user were considered, with interfaces that aided ease of use, designs with minimal heat and noise.
Burroughs Micro-Computer Systems could be networked in clusters, allowing multistation access and real-time editing of shared databases. The company called this "distributed intelligence architecture." The B20 series was modular, with options for hardware, software, expansion, and storage. The psychological and physiological needs of the user were considered, with interfaces that aided ease of use, designs with minimal heat and noise.
Date Made
Not on exhibit to the public.
Object ID
From the Collections of The Henry Ford.
Glass (Material)
Copper alloy
Rubber (Material)
Iron alloy
Height: 13.75 in (B21)
Width: 12 in (B21)
Length: 30 in (B21)
Weight: 54 lb (B21)
Height: 13.75 in (B22)
Width: 12 in (B22)
Length: 30 in (B22)
Weight: 55 lb (B22)
Height: 26 in (storage tower)
Width: 12 in (storage tower)
Length: 21 in (storage tower)
Weight: 85 lb (storage tower)