Ford Rouge Glass Plant, 1924


In 1924-25 the Ford Motor Company ran a series of sixteen dramatic advertisements in the Saturday Evening Post and Country Gentleman magazines. The effectiveness of the ads was due in large part to the specially commissioned artwork that accompanied the descriptive text. This painting was not used in the published campaign: an alternate view appeared in the 9th ad in the series.

In 1924-25 the Ford Motor Company ran a series of sixteen dramatic advertisements in the Saturday Evening Post and Country Gentleman magazines. The effectiveness of the ads was due in large part to the specially commissioned artwork that accompanied the descriptive text. This painting was not used in the published campaign: an alternate view appeared in the 9th ad in the series.


Oil painting (Visual work)

Date Made


Place of Creation

United States 


Not on exhibit to the public.

Object ID



From the Collections of The Henry Ford. Gift of Ford Motor Company.


Oil paint (Paint)


Height: 28.125 in

Width: 31.125 in

Length: 1.125 in

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