Stover Windmill, circa 1883


This windmill is similar to one purchased by William Ford, Henry Ford's father, and used on his Dearborn, Michigan, farm. Farmers throughout the United States in the late 1800s could purchase American prairie-style windmills like this one from scores of manufacturers. These labor-saving devices provided power for farm machinery and pumped well water used by the farmer's family and livestock.

This windmill is similar to one purchased by William Ford, Henry Ford's father, and used on his Dearborn, Michigan, farm. Farmers throughout the United States in the late 1800s could purchase American prairie-style windmills like this one from scores of manufacturers. These labor-saving devices provided power for farm machinery and pumped well water used by the farmer's family and livestock.



Date Made

circa 1883


Donathen & Calkins 

Stover, Emanuel 

Stover, Daniel C. 

Place of Creation

United States, Illinois, Freeport 

United States, Illinois, Lanark 

United States, Missouri, Kansas City 

Creator Notes

Patented design by Emanuel Stover of Lanark, Illinois and Daniel C. Stover of Freeport, Illinois. Manufactured for Donathen & Calkins of Kansas City, Missouri

Greenfield Village
 On Exhibit

at Greenfield Village in Ford Home

Object ID



From the Collections of The Henry Ford. Gift of Ford R. Bryan


Wood (Plant material)


Diameter: 12 ft


STOVER / DONATHEN & CALKINS, KANSAS CITY, MO / DEC. 3, 1872 / OCT.27,1874 / JULY 6,1875 / JULY 24, 1877

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