Henry Ford Was Tagged in a Photo

Not only was Henry Ford one of the most famous industrialists in the world, he was also one of the most photographed.
Our collections include thousands of photos of Henry’s activities and encounters, taken by friends, relatives, the Ford Motor Company, and other photographers.
Here are just 10 of my favorites...
Henry Ford, then an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company, with his bicycle and his moustache, Detroit, Michigan, 1893 (THF95021).
Henry Ford parking his Quadricycle, built in 1896, in New York City, 1910 (THF96913).
Henry Ford and race car driver Frank Kulick seated in a Ford Model T during a flood, circa 1916 (THF97215).
“The Vagabonds,” Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone during a camping trip near Lead Mine, West Virginia, 1918 (THF105476).
Henry Ford playing one of his “fiddles,” circa 1920 (THF108028).
Henry Ford with a Model T, Buffalo, New York, 1921 (THF104072).
Henry Ford and Thomas Edison at the dedication of the Menlo Park Glass House in Greenfield Village, 1929 (THF109769).
Henry Ford demonstrating the strength of plastics made from soybeans, 1940 (THF91634).
Henry Ford and author H. G. Wells touring the Cotswold Cottage in Greenfield Village, 1931 (THF108521).
Edsel Ford, Henry Ford, actor Mickey Rooney and movie studio head Louis B. Mayer aboard the Ten-Person Oriten Bicycle in Henry Ford Museum, February 8, 1940 (THF109784).
Jim Orr, Image Services Specialist, would have gone around that puddle.
Dearborn, Michigan, 20th century, 19th century, photographs, Henry Ford, by Jim Orr
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