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Activating The Henry Ford Archive of Innovation

Just Added to Our Digital Collections: Henry Ford Gifts

February 10, 2015 Archive Insight


Henry Ford is sometimes referred to as a “folk hero”: he was such a prominent figure in public life during his day, and had such a significant impact on the entire world, that many people felt compelled to send him gifts to show their appreciation. Some of these are machine-made items, but many were laboriously hand-created.  We’ve just digitized some staff favorite tributes to Henry from our collection, including this 1935 diorama created in a gallon jug and featuring Henry Ford, Ford V-8 automobiles, young women, flags, flowers, and cotton chicks.  Check our blog later this week for a post from Collections Specialist Patrice Fisher highlighting more of these honorifics, or if you can’t wait, you can check out sets on our collections website related to love of Ford automobiles, likenesses of Henry Ford, and awards and trophies—or view all 70+ items.

Ellice Engdahl is Digital Collections & Content Manager at The Henry Ford.

20th century, Henry Ford, digital collections, by Ellice Engdahl

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